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How to Create a Budget for Retirement & Beyond Workshop

Wednesday, Feb 9 12:00PM - 1:00PM PST


Creating a budget doesn’t come naturally to most of us.

After retirement, it’s important to manage your finances to ensure you have enough money to last and so you can save for a special trip, pay down debt, or be prepared for unexpected health, household or other expenses. A budget is a way to create a plan for your money, and that can help you reach other money goals. In this workshop, we’ll talk about tools that can help you track expenses, tools for creating a budget, and different approaches to budgeting. We’ll have time for Q&A.

Want free one-on-one budgeting help? In case you aren't aware, the SF LGBT Center’s Smart Money Coaching program offers free, confidential, 1-on-1 financial coaching to anyone 18+ who lives, works or receives services in San Francisco. The program focuses on improving or building credit, managing debt, building savings, budgeting, and banking. Coaches work with clients to identify money goals and then figure out the best steps to take to reach those goals. The Smart Money Coaching program is offered in partnership with SF’s Office of Financial Empowerment. For information about Smart Money Coaching, contact Andrea at p. 415.865.5652 | e. andreac@sfcenter.org 

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