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Swing Dancing at American Bites

Wednesday, Nov 3 7:00PM - 9:00PM PDT


Haven’t danced for awhile? Covid or something else held you back?

Well now you can join us and let loose. You don’t need to know any specific routines or dance moves; just listen to the music and move your feet!

We had fun last month at American Bites so we're doing it again & hope you can join us in November.

Even if you don’t dance, come enjoy the music, food, drink and company!

Free Form Swing Dancing at American Bites (formerly the Old Spaghetti Factory). 
Address: 478 Green Street San Francisco CA 94133. Dancing is indoors. 
Click here to see the menu
The dancing is free—but we hope you'll support the restaurant by purchasing food and/or drinks.

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