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What is the Medigap Birthday Rule (Option to Change your Medicare Supplement Plan)

Tuesday, Apr 19 10:30AM - 11:30AM PDT


Medicare can be confusing and the choices can be overwhelming. While Medicare Open Enrollment is not until the Fall, for people over 65 who are already enrolled in Medicare with a supplemental plan, join us to hear from Allan Eckmann about the "Birthday Rule" to see if you should consider changing your Medicare Supplement plans within 60 days after your birthday.

California residents with active Medicare Supplement plans, also known as Medigap plans, have the option to switch between certain plans with equal or lesser benefits annually without the need for medical underwriting after your birthday. Changing supplemental plans may save you money and is worth considering.

Join us to learn about California’s Medigap Birthday Rule, especially if your birthday is coming up in the next 6 months before the Medicare open enrollment period.

Presenter: Allan S. Eckmann is a product of Chicago, where he attended the University of Illinois. He spent 4 years in the Air Force and has a teaching credential from the state of California. Allan has been selling insurance for 48 years and is the founder of BayCrest Insurance Services and has held a position as a part-time lobbyist for CAHU (California Association of Health Underwriters) and NAHU (National Association of Health Underwriters) in advocating ie Long Term Care (LTC) and Health Insurance. 

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